Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Determine How Long Your Resume Should Be

How to Determine How Long Your Resume Should BeHow to Determine How Long Your Resume Should BeIt wasnt long ago that most job seekers were told their resumes should be one page. No more, no less. If it went over to two pages, the document was destined for the rejection pile.Thankfully, times have changed. Today, theres a little more flexibility when it comes to resume length. That said, for your particular situation, the best resume length depends on a number of factors, including experience level and accomplishments. For instanceIf you have fewer than 10 years of experience, or youre making a big switch in terms of career field, then a one-page resume is most appropriate.If, however, you have extensive experience in your field and a steady career progression to demonstrate it, then opt for a resume thats two pages long. This will give you the space you need to discuss your background in a way thats easy-to-scan without trying to cram details onto one page.The only scenario where se nding a three-page+ resume makes sense is if you are an executive-level professional or in senior management with a long track record of titles and accomplishments.To help you create a resume thats the best length for your background, here are some tips to keep in mind during the processYour resume is a marketing document. You should only be giving your career highlights, not offering a deep dive into every move youve made over the years. Remember too that hiring managers arent deciding whom to hire based on resumes, only those they want to bring in for an interview.It should focus on your strengths.Hiring managers only spend a few seconds reading through each resume they receive. Its therefore important to showcase your strongest selling points and format your resume in a way thats easy to scan. Dont dilute it with unnecessary minutiae about your career history.Dont be afraid to get help from a trusted source.If youre having trouble paring down your resume and fitting it onto one o r two pages, ask for help from a trusted family member, friend or colleague. Give them both your resume and the job description so they can review both and offer editing advice. A fresh pair of eyes can help you focus in on the vital components of your background and eliminate the unneeded ones, all so you can put your best foot forward.Looking for additional help with the resume-writing process?Check out our website for resume templates to inspire you or connect with our team today for help creating a professionally polished resume. Call 832.930.7378 with questions, to learn more, or get started.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to Confront a Co-worker and Resolve a Conflict - The Muse

How to Confront a Co-worker and Resolve a Conflict - The MuseHow to Confront a Co-worker and Resolve a Conflict If you start to feel yur heart race and your stomach drop when you even think about confronting a co-worker, I get it. Conflict is no fun- and in office cultures where were encouraged to collaborate closely together, respect each other, and even become friends, confrontation might seem like the last thing you should do. So its no surprise that when an issue that needs to be addressed comes up, folks often prefer to dump their problems on HR and run. But heres the thing about HR professionals- when were doing our jobs right, were working ourselves out of a job. Instead of cleaning up others messes, we want to empower everyone at our company to be able to work through their own problems. Not because its less work for us, but because nine times out of 10, its mora effective. When youre the one dealing with a situation firstkralle, you have a better idea of how it can be fixed. Inspired to take matters into your own hands, but not quite sure where to start? Check out the tips below. 1. Review Your OptionsTheres an endless number of ways you can address conflict a quick chat, a mediation session, an office-wide meeting- the list goes on. All of these are effective in their own ways, but that doesnt mean theyre interchangeable. The approach that will work best for you will depend on your circumstances. To figure out what action you should take, ask yourself a few questions firstHow many people are involved in the situation? Is there one co-worker in particular you need to address, or are there multiple?How frequently has this happened? Was it a one-off mistake, or is a pattern emerging? How serious is the conflict at hand? Is it a careless but relatively small error, or something more severe?If youre dealing with a minor offense involving only one person (say, a condescending comment or a lie), you may want to opt to pull him or her aside for a quick, casua l five- to 10-minute chat. If you need to communicate to a larger group, however, speaking to your boss about sending out an office memo or setting up a team meeting may be the most appropriate. For persistent, ongoing issues between two or more people, a sit-down mediation is a great way to dig deep into whats going on and reach a mutual solution.No matter what you end up choosing, though, make sure to approach the conversation with a level head, open mind, and positive attitude.2. Pump Yourself UpOften, the most difficult thing about confrontation is gathering up the courage to do it. If this sounds like you, make sure to take some time in advance to mentally prepare. This can involve anything from practicing with a colleague or friend to writing down your talking points. Its also helpful to remind yourself why youre doing this in the first place. One thing I like to remind folks is that conflict- both inside the office and out- is inevitable. You might be tempted to duck out this time, but there will come a point in your life wheen you cant avoid it. And the sooner you can learn to tackle it head on, the sooner youll be able to get what you want and need out of your professional and personal lives. Its also worth noting that conflict is a natural byproduct of working with others. Any time you get more than one person in a room, youll have opposing ideas and points of view. Sure, it can be uncomfortable at times, but the alternative is withdrawing from your co-workers completely. Is that really the experience you want? For most people, its not.At the root of a lot of conflict avoidance is a fear that youll be upsetting or insulting the person you speak with, but remember If you dont bring up an issue that needs to be addressed, youre denying your co-worker a chance to grow. When you think of it that way, its easier to accept that confrontation is the best option for everyone. This is a major theme of a book on conflict entscheidung called Difficult Conversat ions How to Discuss What Matters Most. If youre particularly conflict-averse, its more than worth a read. (And if you dont have time for a whole book, this article on professionally confronting your co-worker is a good option. Plus, it comes with an example conversation.)3. But After All That, Dont Be Afraid to Ask HR for HelpDont get me wrong While you dont want to rely on HR to do all of the work for you, you shouldnt be afraid to reach out to them for help. And you should always, always reach out to HR in the case of severe offenses, like harassment or bullying. When the safety and comfort of you or your co-workers is at stake, looking out for your well-being comes first- and human resources has the experience and training necessary to handle situations like these. But even with minor issues, there are a ton of ways that the HR team can help. (While still ensuring that you take an active role.) In the past, Ive done everything from roleplaying a difficult conversation to moderati ng a mediation, leading a group meeting, and more. Whatever situation you find yourself in, Id bet that your companys encountered it before and has some insight to share. I know how intimidating and unpleasant conflict can be. If I had to choose between letting an employee know he or she was getting promoted or having to sit down and tell somebody that his or her performance has been lagging, believe me, Id choose the former every time. But conflict is unavoidable, and even more importantly, necessary. And when you take ownership of the situation yourself, rather than making HR do all the heavy lifting, youll end up with a more calm, productive, and cohesive working environment than ever- all while feeling like the strong, empowered employee you know you can be.Photo of co-workers courtesy of Hero Images/Getty Images.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

7 plants to improve your office environment

7 plants to improve your office environment7 plants to improve your office environmentIndoor air can actually be as much as 12 times more polluted than outside air in some areas due to compounds in paints, furnishing, clothing and building materials. But plants can remove up to 80-90% of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including substances such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene which can be found in things like paint and varnish, clothing, furniture, and print equipment.Studies have also shown that peoples productivity increases when theyre working in rooms containing plants, so theyre definitely worth having in the office for more than simple decorative reasons.The office experts behind have compiled a list of the most beneficial plants to keep and care for in workplace environments. These are plants that are able to filter and purify the air, as well as grow indoors with limited light sources and little-to-no intervention.1. Devils IvyThis easy-to- care for plant with heart-shaped, white-splotched leaves adapts well to a variety of office conditions from those with low light levels to brighter ones. It can be trained around a pole or cane, but looks great in big pots on a desk, shelf, table or the floor.2. Peace LilyThe peace lily is ideal for an office space that lacks big windows as it can grow in the lowest lighting. This is a large, space-filling plant that can clean the air.3. Gerber DaisyThis flowering plant which is also known as Gerbara is one which can filter toxins such as benzene, a substance that can be emitted by some printing systems.4. Warneck DracaenaAlso known as Dracaena reflexa, this shrub can grow super tall which means its perfect for offices with high ceilings and can be great to use as a natural gestaffelte anordnung barrier for different areas of a room. It also combats pollutants commonly found in varnishes and oils, so if your office space has hardwood floors, this plant would be ideal.5. Weeping f igWith long arching branches and large, pointed leaves, the weeping fig is an attractive indoor plant that can filter pollutants from carpets and furniture, such as formaldehyde and benzene. This is one of the most popular small indoor trees that grows quite slowly and requires little attention, however, they dont like being moved and will drop leaves to produce new ones if there is a change in the lighting, temperature and humidity.6. FittoniaFittonia which is sometimes referred to as the nerve plant or mosaic plant can work well in offices because it actually thrives on fluorescent light. Without water for a few days, this plant is known to faint, but its easily revived with a quick watering.7. Aloe VeraNot only does the aloe plant purify the air, it can also serve as a first aid kit for any scrapes and burns. The variegated leaves that grow out of its centre are full of soothing aloe gel.This article was originally published on

Monday, December 16, 2019

8 Words or Phrases Never to Include in Your Resume

8 Words or Phrases Never to Include in Your Resume 8 Words or Phrases Never to Include in Your Resume According to a CareerBuilder survey, 17% of hiring managers spendan average of 30 secondslooking at a resume before deciding iftheyre interested in a candidate. Having toolittletime to read each one in depth, obvious resume red flags, like an outdated resume format, typos, or too many unmatched resume fonts, are immediately eliminated. Even those that pass initial scrutiny can still fall prey to one of the fruchtwein abiding faux pas of resume donts poor diction. By this we mean those hackneyed termsthat are ripe for resume retirement. Here, well talk about eight of the resume words nearly every hiring manager hates.1. ObjectiveObjective is a no-no because it is part of Objective Statement, an outdated phrase on any resume. Thesestatementsfell out of favor because they talked more about what a job seeker would get out of a position, rather than focusing on what a job seeker would bri ng to a position. The company-focused term is, instead, a career summary, which describes a job seekers most relevant skills, qualities, and accomplishments that would make them a good fit for a position.A career summary (also called executive summary) is a better alternative to an objective statement.2. Highly-qualifiedIf you use the word highly-qualified on your resume, youre likely to seem anything but. Plus, youll be including one of recruiters turn offs. Rather thanbeing so bold as to list this word,let your highly-qualified status become evident to readers by virtue ofyour accomplishments, experience, and education.3. Team player orHard workerThese phrases are both clichd and vague they dont say much about what you did in a previous position. Instead of using language that is likely on every resume, trade out phrases like these for measurable objectives. Measurable accomplishments are quantifiable achievements you performed in a position, usually expressedin the form of numbe rs, percentages, and profit.4. UtilizedUtilized is just a dressed-up version of the word use. Dont try to fancy up a perfectly workable verb in order to sound more accomplished. Recruiters can see right through these tactics. Skills and achievements, when properly highlighted (as through the aforementioned measurable results), need no furtherembellishments.5. Self-motivated orGo-getterYou dont want to include too much generalizing, especially about describing how great you are. Instead of including these praiseworthy adjectives, include verbs like improved or created about your measurable accomplishments to let the reader make his or her own judgments about you.6. ProactiveProactive is one of those resume buzzwords that doesnt say much. While it might sound good, it doesnt tell the recruiter how exactly youre proactive. Instead of listing words that sound good, scan the job posting and your resume through Jobscan. Jobscan pulls keywords from the job posting that you should match on your resume. Whiletailoring, look through those pulled keywords to find one or more that demonstrate your proactive attitude more specifically.Take the time to tailor your resume to each job.7. References available upon requestAnother ghostof resumes past, References available upon request takes up space unnecessarily all employers will require references, and they will expect that job seekers will provide them.8. Was and BecameThese verbs of being dont talk about what you did in previous positions, the most important function of your resume. Instead of writing verbs like these,include action verbsto createvisuals in your readers heads.Bottom line use words that help recruiters understand who you areand what you can bring to the table, in the quickest and most straightforward way. Ditch superfluous terms.Your language should beclear in expressing what youve done and the various ways in which youve achieved them.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ghosting is becoming more and more common in the workplace

Ghosting is becoming more and more common in the workplaceGhosting is becoming more and more common in the workplaceIn the dating world, its the dreaded term that has come to mean 1 person cutting off anotlagelageher entirely, without reason. But now ghosting has entered the workplace too, causing headaches in the form of lost time and resources for employers, HR and recruiters alike.Candidates agree to job interviews and fail to show up, never to be heard from again. Others accept jobs, only to not turn up for their first day, no reason given of course. Instead of formally quitting, enduring a potentially awkward conversation with a manager, some employees leave 1 day and never return.Last year, a LinkedInarticleabout ghosting went viral and according to the piece, its derailing the recruiting process at companies all over the world. No matter how it happens, ghosting signals a failure of communication. However,researchsuggests this isnt a new problem, its just becoming more commonp lace.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIn todays job market, people are busier and more stressed, and therefore more likely to choose convenience over courtesy. It goes without saying that this is not something organizations should take lightly.So, we teamed up with Laura Little, Learning and Development Manager at CABA, to look more closely at what employers can do to ensure that current or potential employees dont pull a vanishing act on youCommunication is keyIt is imperative for an employer to keep the lines of communication with job candidates open right from the word go This means that an employer should be transparent about the position theyre looking to fill and provide candidates with a timeline as to how the process will work.Employers should also be sure to check that job descriptions are accurate, carefully detailing expectations and responsibilities for the role. Thi s will help to avoid any awkward conversations later down the line, realizing the job isnt for them and ghosting.Candidates may be more likely to go MIA if they feel theyre disconnected from the process. Therefore, its important to encourage candidates to come back to you if they have any questions or concerns. Remember, even if theres no news, its always good to keep in touch so the candidate knows youre still keen.Personalise the processRecruiters and HR should attempt to personalise the recruiting process and conduct meaningful, in-depth interviews, preferably face-to-face, where they can get a good read of the candidate and vice-versa. Its important to attempt to understand the candidates motivations, goals and aspirations, trying to learn as much as you can beyond their application. Again, this ensures there are no crossed wires later down the line.Know your culture and brandA brand isnt just words or logos, rather it summarises the personality of your company. Its how youre pe rceived as an employer. A strong employer brand that displays the culture of your organisation and ticks all the boxes for candidates will help to keep ghosts at bay. Part of attracting good candidates is fostering and maintaining a positive workplace culture, where employees feel valued, respected and engaged by the work they do.Thanks to the internet and plethora of websites available, candidates can conduct thorough research on your workplace and gather an initial picture before even stepping foot inside the building. Make sure your social media platforms are up-to-date and highlight the best bits of the organisation and the work it does. If youre a great match for a candidate in terms of job role, work culture and benefits, then joining you is a no-brainer for them.Be aware of your competitorsAn employer will be in a much better position with regard to hiring if it knows its competition and what its competitors are offering think about salary and benefits as a good starting poi nt. Its also worth keeping in mind that a candidate might also be applying to the competition, so be sure to have something that sets you apart.Additionally, make sure youre across all job channels to find the best wealth of talent. If youre not looking in the right places, you might not be getting the attention of the correct candidates, potentially increasing the chance that the company will be ghosted.Finally, watch out for signalsIts not hard to spot when someone is turning into a ghost. Perhaps your candidate is delaying in committing to a start date? Or, your calls and emails might be going unanswered? Maybe the tone of communication has changed?These are all warning signs. Youll need to decide whether to continue using up time and energy reaching out to the person or walk away and concentrate your efforts elsewhere.Nobody can say for certain if ghosting in the workplace is a trend thats here to stay, or if the emergence of a strong job market will in fact curb it. Whats certa in is that candidates attitudes have changed and organisations must take steps to adjust.By building a strong community, promoting positive culture and engaging new hires early and often, you can better position yourself to reduce the likelihood of candidates ghosting you for good.This article originally appeared on Your Coffee Break.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 6, 2019

What You Should Do to Find Out About Resume for High School Students with No Experience Before Youre Left Behind

What You Should Do to Find Out About Resume for High School Students with No Experience Before Youre Left Behind Learning how to do a resume when do notlage have any work experience is quite a bit easier if youre able to demonstrate some seasonal or short-term work experience. Many times a work description will list the abilities and other qualifications that are needed. You will need experience to have a job, but you want a job to acquire experience. Write down what skills you used, and the way they may relate to the job which you desire. If a business takes an opening off its website and then calls you for an interview, you dont need to need to ask to observe the description of the job you merely applied to. Moreover, make sure that youre not utilizing an unprofessional email address. You might even have a hobby for example, writing a blog thats a review of every book you read or posting beautiful photographs on the internet that could be related to your job application. For instance, you could send out a particular number of resumes weekly. Generally speaking, higher school students have a tendency to concentrate on their club participation whilst college students often incorporate major class projects. Now you need to know how to compose a resume with no experience thats compelling and distinctive, ideal for a high school resume or a beginners resume for teens. The templates mentioned previously show you just what you should mention and the way to frame your high school student resume. A superb way to begin on your resume as a high school student is to have a look at examples of resumes and read tips about what to include and the way to format your resume. You may be an excellent gruppe player. Its helpful to have a look at student and part-time resume examples to find some ideas about what a fantastic one contains. A one-page resume is more than acceptable once youre just beginning in the area of work. Giving up is definitely not an alte rnative. Employers try to find staff that have a history of earning positive contributions. They want to know exactly what you did or learned so they know what you have to offer as an employee. You may showcase your work history, but in addition fill in more space by talking about your abilities and other knowledge youve got. A scarcity of job experience doesnt indicate too little work experience. In spite of the fact you will lack work experience, your other experience might just be what the recruiters want to know whether youre the one that theyre looking for. Though you might not have work experience, it is still possible to fill out this field with different varieties of experience. In case you have any part-time work, that will go a ways towards a good experience section. The main point is that you truly have much more experience than you might imagine you have. An efficacious way to break down the practice of locating a new job is rahmen attainable goals which you can accomplish daily or weekly. Now its time to produce your first resume. In truth, it might not have dates whatsoever, but you must be listed in order of relevance instead. Looking at examples can allow you to make a decision as to what type of content you should include, in addition to how to format your resume. Every section needs a slightly different strategy. For instance, if you bold the name of the organization in 1 section, you will need to do it everywhere. For an objective statement, concentrate on the particular job you need or an overall job type and after that highlight your qualifications. Your objective needs to be specific to the job that youre applying for and to the skills that you are able to offer. Concentrate on highlighting relevant coursework to the job youre applying for. Even in the event you would settle for just about any job, you should be specific once you write your objective. Firstly, it can demonstrate that you understand what youre doing and you understand how to navigate the market. Resume creators permit jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes right from the world wide web to get started applying straight away. Learn to effectively utilize keywords. It provides you an opportunity to describe yourself and your goals in your words. Its not quite as difficult as you may think. Make certain your pertinent accomplishments and skills really stick out. Include GPA if it sets you apart from different applicants or in the event the employer has specifically stated that you have to. You may also have a skills section in which you list soft skills along with any programs, languages, or certifications youve got. Its expected that students will understand how to use these. High School Resume templates are a valuable resource for such students. Now youre networking and building contacts in the business Add in additional info, such like you have experience working with special needs children. Because y ou will probably have minimum expert experience, dont hesitate to fill your education section with a plethora of information. Identify the goal of your resume. All the questions were answered effortlessly. Resume examples and templates are really helpful, especially when youre writing one of your initial resumes. Your resume will be broken into sections. Use the following ideas to make your resume really stick out.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Bringing the Power of Movies to the Conference Room (With and Without Video)

Bringing the Power of Movies to the Conference Room (With and Without Video) When it comes to attracting, training, motivating, and unifying employees, mora and more companies are using a powerful new tool. Its not a new technology. Rather, its a technique based on something we already know and love movies.Weve all experienced how powerful movies are. In seconds, they can make even the most distant planet feel real. Their heroes teach and inspire us. The moments they create move us, shape our opinions, and rally us together. Thats why companies are increasingly using videos and movie-style storytelling to harness that speed and power for internal communication and presentations. Here are just a few examples of how theyre doing itRecruitmentWhen youre courting new employees, a movie that positions your company as a strategic leader headed for bigger things can be especially attractive. It also doesnt hurt to show how fun your employees are. Even more persuasive is presenting your people as colleagues your prospects can look up to. A short movie can do that for you and bring out the true personality of your company to new prospects. Rallying New and Current Employees Around the MissionWhen starting a new job, most employees are handed a stack of decks that leave them completely lost. What if, instead, you show new hires a dynamic five-minute movie telling the companys story, mission, and strategy? New hires will be excited, retain more, and start contributing right away. If you include stories of real customers and get the companys leaders on camera, your film can also breathe life into the companys mission in ways no written statement can achieve.PresentationsEven without video, the way movies tell stories is actually a surprisingly good fit for corporate execs.Movie storytelling is built on the saatkorn principles they are currently seeking in presentations being simple, quick, visual, and powerful.Using the Screenwriter Approa ch toSimplifyScreenwriters are able to write so quickly because they start with three key scenes, then build the rest of the movie around them. You can do the same thing Decide which three things in your presentation are most important to your stakeholders and emphasize those. Youll find this method makes it easier to write your presentation, and because youre emphasizing just three keys, youll be able to choose what people remember. Think about what would happen if you tried to evenly emphasize 10 different pointsUsing the Directors Approach to Make It Quick, Real, and RelevantEvery slide, even a data point or chart, is about something. That means it can be described as a scene, with characters, a setting, and action. Describing your slides in these terms will make it much easier for your stakeholders to grasp the main ideas because you will give them something to relate to.One good way to find the scene in your slide or chart is with two words you use all the time For example. Loo k at your data point, and then say, For example This will immediately put characters, a setting, and action in your head. Then, if you make it visual, youll make your point even more quickly and put everyone on the same page because they will all see it the same way.When You Really Need to Hit It Out of the Park, Make It PowerfulFor the everyday presentation, being simple and relevant is often enough. However, when the stakes are especially high, you can take it up a level and truly move your stakeholders with movies that start with an emotional arc.The emotional archolds us in our seats, makes us love and remember movies, and floods our brains with two amazing hormones cortisol, which makes us focus, and oxytocin, which opens us up to new ideas and inspires us.You can spark these two hormones with an arc Ive seen work time and time again in corporations establish urgency, build desirefor your idea, and finish by evoking confidence. That arc will take your stakeholders through an e motional journey of we need to do this, we want to do this, and we can do this all of which will build support for your insights and ideas.Those are just a few of the movie-style strategies companies are using today. There are many, many more. None of these strategies are all that difficult to implement, and they can all make a huge difference in your ability to connect, communicate, and inspire.Ted Frank is the author of Get to the Heart. As a story strategist at Backstories Studio, he uses movie-style storytelling to help people make their presentations quicker, more visual, and more emotionally effective.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Infographic Details College Grad Happiness, Meaningful Work is Key

Infographic Details College Grad Happiness, Meaningful Work is Key Infographic Details College Grad Happiness, Meaningful Work is Key And with the influx of college graduates into the workforce, companies should be well aware of what makes todays top talent happy as well. This is where webapp Happify comes in.The company created a new infographic, Education, Striving for Happiness Success, which offers companies a detailed look on college graduates views of happiness.For starters, the infographic notes that college graduates are mora likely to say theyre very happy than workers without a degree. And 30 percent of millennials say meaningful work is the most important measure of a successful career, even more important than a paycheck.And in what fields do college graduates find the happiest work? The infographic data revealsNursing -86%Special Education-83%Medical Technology-80%Biomedical Engineering-79%Athletic Training, Social Work, Child Family Studies-78%The data also notes th at St. George, Utah Charlotte, N.C. and Houston, Texas are the happiest cities for job-seeking college grads.Check out the complete infographic below to also discover how current students find happiness through GRIT, extracurricular activities and school rankings

Friday, November 22, 2019

6 Keys to Determining If a Job Commute Will Work

6 Keys to Determining If a Job Commute Will Work6 Keys to Determining If a Job Commute Will WorkIts hard to believe in the midst of todays modern hustle and bustle that not so long ago commuting to work entailed little mora than a short horseback ride to the nearest town or a leisurely 15-minute stroll a few blocks away. With ever rising real estate prices and a move towards a split between urban and suburban settings, however, todays job seeker can typically expect a commute thats a tad bit longer. According to recent studies, the modern commuter can expect to spend upwards of an hour commuting on a daily basis. Live near a larger city with a high cost of living? Housing affordability and quality of life concerns may push that number up as younger workers and growing families attempt to find a bit more room in their living situation.Whether by auto, train, bus or other methods, these stats mean that anyone on the job hunt should be prepared to answer important questions about just h ow far they are willing to commute for that new job or career. Looking at a job move that involves a commute? Weve put together a handy list of six keys to determining if a job commute will work for you. How will you pull off the commute?The first factor to take into consideration when deciding whether a commute will work for you is just how youre going to go about getting into the office. Not all forms of transportation are created equal. Rail lines can be expensive and difficult to access if youre not within a short distance of a direct route, but trains also provide opportunities for working, reading or engaging in other activities. Driving, on the other hand, can often be stressful but provides flexibility with schedules. Bus and car shares are other great options to investigate as a starting spot for your research. How much will it cost?Another factor that should weigh heavily on your decision whether to commute is the cost of travel. Daily train fares, gas and wear and tear on your personal vehicle, tolls and parking expenses can all add up. Carefully plot out how much your commuting expenses will impact your weekly or monthly paycheck before deciding on a commute. Dont forget to ask about any employer subsidies for using mass transit or ride shares as this could be a perk that adds value to a lengthier commute. How flexible are your work hours?Will your boss be the font that expects their employees to show up at 9am on the dot, every day? If your route of travel suffers frequent delays or is on a set schedule with minimal options, standorts with less flexible working hours may not be entirely commuter friendly. Even when opting to drive, accidents and poor road conditions can add significant time to your commute. Flexible start and end hours may be the ticket to a reasonable commute. What opportunities will the new job bring?While the cost and hassle of a commute is one half of the equation, the other part to consider is just what you may be gaining ine xchange for that headache. If the job youd be accepting has big potential to make your career or will provide invaluable experience, it may be worth a longer commute in order to gain those opportunities. Salary, room for advancement and uniqueness of the position should all be weighed when deciding on how much commuting youre willing to undertake for a role. How likely are you to find a job closer to home?If the distance of the potential position has you feeling a bit daunted, ask yourself whether a similar or better role may be found closer to home. If you enjoy living in a small city and have a particular skill set, this may be a difficult proposition. Simply Hireds job search radius filter is a great tool to help would be job seekers explore options within a set distance. Simply change your criteria for geographic location and youll be in the know regarding local positions that may help ease commuting woes. Is relocating an option?If your home is too far from your job, why not mo ve a little closer? If youre not set in your current housing situation, a move closer to work may be just what the commuting doctor ordered. Before choosing to take the drastic route, however, be sure to think all of the opportunity costs through. Items such as moving expenses, deposits, lease commissions and any increase in the cost of living should all be carefully weighed into the equation. Are you a commuting beast or have you recently had to make the travel more or less decision on your own? Drop us a line of just what swayed your decision and maybe your comments will be featured in a future update.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Most Military Jobs Pay Less Than the Private Sector

Most Military Jobs Pay Less Than the Private SectorMost Military Jobs Pay Less Than the Private SectorMilitary pay rates have lagged behind private sector salaries for many years. Private sector employees often enjoy higher salaries than their peers in the armed forces, even if they have with the same level of education, degree of experience, and cost-of-living expenses due to location. The biggest disparities in public/private pay show up for highly educated people. Doctors, dentists, and those who have Ph.D. degrees in any field make significantly lower incomes than their civilian counterparts. In contrast, people with only a high school education can do considerably better in the military or in government tafelgeschirr than their private sector counterparts. History of the Big Pay Gap This pay gap has existed at least as far back as 1976, four years after the U.S. went to an all-volunteer military.It got worse between 1983 and 1998 when Congress capped military pay raises to b elow the average private sector increases in order to trim money from the Department of Defense budget. That policy drove the pay gap to a record 13.5 percentin 1998 and 1999. Congress reversedthat policy in fiscal year 2000. As a result, the average pay gap has gradually shrunk to a current 2.6 percent(as of 2018). Historical Pay Disparities The chart below shows military pay raises and average private sector raises annually from 1976. Note The figures shown for 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2007 for military pay raises are average percentages, as Congress in those years authorized different raises for various military pay grades. Historic Pay Raise Chart YearMilitary PayRaise PercentAverage PrivateSector Raise19765.09.019774.87.019787.16.819795.57.519807.07.8198111.79.1198214.39.119834.08.119844.05.619854.05.119863.04.419873.04.219882.03.519894.13.519903.64.419914.14.419924.24.219933.73.719942.22.719952.63.119962.42.919973.02.819982.83.319993.63.620006.24.320014.13.220026.94.12003 4.73.620044.23.120053.53.020063.12.620072.72.220083.53.020093.93.420103.93.020113.42.920121.62.820131.72.820141.02.920151.01.920161.32.320172.12.8 The annual rate increases of military and government pay are part of the federal budget. The increase isbased on the pay numbers in the private sector, as seen in theemployment cost indexcompiled by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

4 things to do when your manager treats you like a ghost

4 things to do when your manager treats you like a ghost 4 things to do when your manager treats you like a ghost Ever feel like your manager either doesn’t want you to succeed, or won’t even give you occasional praise, even when it’s well deserved?You definitely don’t have to suffer in silence - this is what you should do instead of feeling undervalued.Have a chatTake a more proactive approach.A blog post by specialized staffing services company Robert Half says that you should “discuss the problem.”“True, talking with your boss about how you feel unappreciated is difficult. Make it easier and more productive by staying composed and not casting blame,” the post says. “Speak for yourself, not your colleagues, and be objective as you tell your boss how you feel. Don’t turn it into a therapy session. Instead, discuss what you have accomplished and what feedback you’ve received. Then, ask how the two of you can solve the problem by coming up with ways to make you feel more engaged at work.”Create your own happinessJournalist, digital media consultant, and investor John Boit nott writes in Entrepreneur about how to remain inspired when your manager doesn’t pay attention to you. One of his tips is to “motivate yourself.”“Without a boss acknowledging your hard work, you’ll need to find that motivation internally. If that motivation comes from seeing how your work makes a difference, create a visual representation of that. If you answer calls on a customer support line, keep charts of the number of tickets you close each week. If you process payments for your employer, track the improvements you’ve made in getting suppliers paid from one month to the next,” he writes. “Since you won’t be getting encouragement from your superiors, you’ll need to set time aside on a regular basis to give that encouragement to yourself. Set goals for yourself and celebrate each new milestone you reach. You’ll soon find that you’re shooting for the completion of the next milestone so you can enjoy your reward.”Get a mentorContributor Vicki Salemi, a p ublic speaker, author, columnist, and Monster career expert, writes in U.S. News World Report that you should “seek support elsewhere” when your boss doesn’t appreciate you.“If you don’t have a mentor yet, now’s the time to find one. And if you do have one, now’s the time to reach out to them,” she writes. “Meet with them to discuss your goals and brainstorm potential new goals you may not have even thought about. Not only does it help to have a road map to help you get to your next step, it’s reassuring to know you have people to look up to who are on your side.”Recognize when it’s time to head outFreelance journalist and Wesleyan University lecturer Rebecca Knight writes in the Harvard Business Review that you should “consider moving on.”“If you continue to feel undervalued and unappreciated by your company, it might be a sign that it’s not the right place for you,” Knight writes. “Maybe you need the experience, or perhaps you can’t move beca use you need to be in a certain geographic region for your spouse or partner. But if you’ve tried to make the job more validating and fulfilling, and nothing has worked, it might be time to look for a new one.”

Monday, November 18, 2019

Ballroom Dancer Resume 10 Steps - 2019 Guide [Samples Examples]

Ballroom Dancer Resume 10 Steps - 2019 Guide [Samples Examples] Ballroom Dancer Resume 10 Steps s] Ballroom dance forms are famous for their competitive nature.So, how great would it be if you could reflect that competitiveness in your ballroom dancer resume to get great opportunities to show your competitive dance moves? You don’t need to be a master at writing resumes in order to write one. From writing a ballroom dancer resume summary to sorting your key skills and penning down your professional experience, we’ve got a ballroom dancer resume outline ready for you.  Also, you can use Hiration’s online resume builder and make your ballroom dancer resume on it with ease. But if you’ve decided to make it on your own, below you will find the steps to the ballroom dancer resume outline that will make your job of writing a ballroom dancer resume an easy one.Also you can get it professionally reviewed by industry experts.   Once you are done, you may get your resume reviewed by industry experts. What is a Ballroom dancer resume?A ballroom dancer is a person who performs a specific or different type of ballroom dances. Some professionals have a show of their own while others perform as part of someone else’s group.So ballroom dancer resume should include the skills of the related dance form and instructing in the same.The responsibility of a ballroom dancer may also include things like dancing along with a story-line, coming up with different ballroom concepts and being vividly creative every time.The dancer needs to make sure that the audience is enjoying the performance and is spellbound by it under all circumstances.There are broadly more than 10 forms of ballroom dance and every type needs major training, practice, and rehearsals for a person to reach the place of perfection. The job of a ballroom dancer may require the person to travel a lot as various shows take place at different cities or states. There are also certain situations where a single big show/tour travels in the whole of the country or at least in the big metro cities.In cases of countrywide events and tours, the dancer has to sign a contract with the concerned authority which ensures that the person cannot leave the show in-between or in other words until it gets over.A ballroom dancer requires skills like coordination, needs to be good at following instructions along with fluent and graceful body movements.Why do you need a ballroom dancer resume?On average a ballroom dancer earns $14 an hour which can go up to $33.To get to the higher paid point, you need to have some relevant experience in the required field and build a reputation of being one of the finest ballroom dancers out there.If you are new to this field and don’t have any prior experience, then you will get paid a lower salary of $8 which is the standard salary for freshers in this profile. So keep your ballroom dancer resume updated to ensure that when you move to your next project, your experiences promise you a hig her pay.We have attached a ballroom dancer resume sample below as a guide for you to get started in the right direction.Ballroom dancers should maintain a resume as to make it easy for the recruiters to know with your work experience that you’re the best dancer which they should get on board.How to write a ballroom dancer resume?Take a look at how you can put your experience of ballroom dancing on a resume.You will find the pre-written personal training ballroom dancer resume template at Hiration's online resume building tool. These are pre-written lines specifically made for your industry.It’s easy and comes in handy as well as it will help you reach your aimed job sooner.Your personal information like name, contact number, e-mail ID and current residential address will go at the very top of your resume. You can also include social media profiles that are relevant to your profession, such as a detailed and updated LinkedIn profile. Considering the profession of a ballroom dance r, other social media platforms like that of Facebook and Instagram can be useful as well.If you’re applying in countries like Continental Europe, South America, Middle East, Asia, and Africa, then do remember to include a ballroom dancer resume headshot in your ballroom dancer resume. Step 1 Crafting your Master CV When posting to large job posts and creating your LinkedIn profile, the master resume is used for general purposes in this. Based on the master resume, you will add only those things to your profile which are relevant to the job you are targeting.It will document your:Career SummarySkillsTypes of dance forms you knowProfessional work experienceAccomplishmentsEducationCertificationsExtra Curricular AchievementsYou should check for these sections before uploading your ballroom dancer resume anywhere as these will carry all your important information under them. Now that your master resume is ready, let’s proceed with the ballroom dancer resume part. Step 2 Tailoring your Resume After you upload your resume on a career portal, it is scanned by an ATS to find the relative keywords related to the job you applied for. This system shortlists the most relevant resumes while discarding the non-relevant ones.  Almost 75% of the resumes are rejected due to the irrelevant keywords that people put up on their resumes. So, strategically putting them in the ballroom dancer resume is the key to get shortlisted for the maximum number of interviews/auditions possible. Most of the ATS scanners scan the resumes vertically. Thus, writing the most important information at the center of the ballroom dancer resume is the best way to get shortlisted. Step 3 Writing your Resume Profile Title Your name should be the first text in your ballroom dancer resume which should be of 14 or 16 pts.It should be followed by a title which is the next most important thing in a resume. Under your name add a profile headerYour ballroom dancer resume profile header will basically contain:    Phone number    E-mail address    Current residential addressYour e-mail address needs to be professional. Don’t use e-mail addresses like ‘’. Such email-IDs are considered unprofessional.TitleIf you do not write the title, the recruiter will not get to know for which profile you are applying for.The title should basically convey:Field of expertiseLevel of expertiseBallroom dancer resume headshots are always appreciable on the resume. Step 4 Work Experience & Education The body of your resume consists of work experience and education. Your work experience in your related field gives an in-depth sight to the recruiter of your skills. Find out your resume reliability score from select industry experts today.Professional ExperiencesTo display your contribution, you can use the ballroom dancer resume format given below: Designation Dates Organizational Affiliation Location Cause-Effect Contribution Points Let professionals decide whether your format is aligned.When writing this section, many dancers face the problem of how to write their experience in a professional way. Here’s how to do it the pro way.Ballroom Dancer Resume with No ExperienceWriting a ballroom dancer resume is no child’s play. When you have zero work experience, you need to pen down your skills and certifications in the resume in such a way that it convinces the recruiter that you are a better choice. QualificationsYour education plays an important role when you are a fresher. This category contains:    Name of your school and its location    Years of starting and passing out    Degree you pursued You can use the ballroom dancer resume templates below to write this section. Degree pursued                                                                           DatesCollege/University                                                                      Location GPA These segments are pre-arranged in the Hiration templates, also, industry-specific content is there on free resume builder. Hiration pro-tip:  Write your most important achievements in bullet points. For example, if you’ve performed a certain form of ballroom dance for a well-known show, write it in bullet point form. Apart from this, other valuable additions a ballroom dancer resume for agency should have are certifications, training and freelance projects.  For a matter of fact, your freelance dance shows matter a lot. A ballroom dancer resume for agency should have numbers mentioned in terms of the shows performed to make the recruiter read what you want them to read.CertificationsThe following should be there in a certified ballroom dancers resume    Bachelor’s degree in dance    Master’s degree in dance, choreography, dance science or ballroom dance forms    Diploma in dance, previous dance training or degree in stage production    Degree in music for dance    Degree in history of dance, etc.You can list your certifications one by one if you have various degrees. The following ballroom dancer resume template can also be used to list your certifications:    Certification | Institute | Date of Certification We may analyze the same sample from the ballroom dancer resume example:    Certified Professional Ballroom Dancer | Sessions College | ‘10    Waltz and Viennese Waltz Certificate | Kapilan Institute of Waltz | ‘05Hiration Pro-Tip: By pursuing a degree program you can get more exposure and become ready for opportunities like live performances and professional tours. Step 5 Accenting Achievements Your Ballroom Dancer resume includes a lot more than your ballroom dancer skills. Your achievements play a big role in getting your credibility across resume bullet points. These achievements apparently might not seem to be much but they definitely set you apart from other ballroom dancer resumes and precisely highlight your ballroom dancer skills. To make sure that achievements attract attention amongst others, quantify them and highlight the ballroom dancer skills or contribution which led to that achievement. To do that, frame your point in the STAR format: Situation, Task, Action, Result. This will help you highlight your achievement and not contribution. For example: Led a team of 10 to perform Waltz for the John Strauss ShowHelped in directing a show of Viennese Waltz for Broad Base Dance Theater Consider the ballroom dancer resume example above when writing yours. Step 6 Highlighting Skills Your Ballroom Dancer skills are basically the key functions that you are proficient at as a ballroom dancer. Skills section does not include soft skills like ‘passionate’ and ‘expressive’. You need to mention your hard skills which can be skills like ‘show direction’, ‘liaison and coordination’, ‘choreography, etc. table Choreography Show Direction Studio Operations Maintenance Costume Design Production Leadership Team Management Instructional Practice Liaison Coordination Ballroom Dance Step 7 Summarizing your Profile Ballroom Dancer Resume Summary  A ballroom dancer resume summary is the overview of your professional experience as a ballroom dancer with a ballroom dancer resume objective that highlights your ambition, drive and focus.A ballroom dancer resume for agency should definitely have a ballroom dancer resume summary that contains necessary information that a hiring agency would want to know.    The kind of shows you performed at    The skills you learned and practiced    Quantifiable achievementsYou should write the ballroom dancer resume summary at the very end so that you can pick information from the other sections of your resume to write now that they are complete. Make sure your resume defines your goals and experience the right way to get you your desired job. Get your ballroom dancer resume professionally reviewed by the industry experts. Step 8 Formatting the Resume A ballroom dancer resume can be made in the following formats: Reverse Chronological format: This format is the most popular amongst all the resume formats and is best suited for those who have an extensive work experience. Functional/skilled based format: This format is suitable for those who don’t have relevant work experience or are students/recent graduates as well as for those who are looking for a career change. However, for best expressing the profile, we have used the reverse chronological order. Step 9 Arranging your Resume Sections As per the chosen format from among the different ballroom dancer resume formats, the sections will be arranged in:NameContact InformationTitleProfessional SummaryKey SkillsProfessional ExperienceEducationYou can also consider giving the following extra information if applicable: Dance forms CertificationsExtra curricular achievements Step 10 Proofreading Proofread your ballroom dancer resume and look for the following:It should be minimum one page in length and maximum two pagesClear and separate section headings with the right bucketingHiration's online resume builder will automatically use a common and easy-to-understand font.3. Plenty white space, especially around the boarders4. Easy-to-read fontFew extra things to consider while proof reading your resume will include: Same tense throughout your ballroom dancer resume. Usage of past tense to describe previous work experience and present continuous tense to explain the present work roles.Make sure that all the points start with a power verb. Some ballroom dancer resume examples of verbs are: Led, Performed, Brainstormed, Helped, etc.Do not use jargons in your ballroom dancer resume.Refrain from using I, me, we, us.Make sure that your resume bullet point do not exceed one line.Write your name in the file name of the ballroom dancer resume that you will submit.Hiration pro-tip: Do c heck for errors like that of double spacing and spelling mistakes.You can also your ballroom dancer resume professionally reviewed by industry experts before submitting it.Resume+Ballroom dancer and other dance forms job requires a blend of extensive training and physical strength. So make sure all your questions are answered.   Networking Network is more important now than ever. Reach out to your connections who can help you with your job â€"    Family    Friends    University Classmates    Neighbours    Former Colleagues Keep your social media profiles up to date like LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram about the profiles that you are seeking. Be Persistent Look for digital and traditional resources by getting in touch with your friends and relatives as well as by joining job support online groups. Seek online job portals for the same. 2. Follow up Stay in touch with all the contact persons whenever you get a job lead until and unless you get a definitive no as an answe r.3. EvaluateStill unsure of your career field? Take an evaluation test to analyze your skills and career interest. First, narrow down your options. Second, look for online and offline resources to collect more information about the profiles that you are interested in. Stay PositiveStay in touch with people and share your thoughts and feelings with them. Keep your stress levels low by eating healthy, exercising and sleeping for eight hours a day.Key Takeaways    Write Ballroom Dancer Resume Summary in a paragraph    Write your ballroom dancer resume summary in a 3-4 line paragraph and not in bullet points. The paragraph should not exceed the limit of 3-4 lines.    Use ATS friendly keywords    Use key-words that are specific to your industry and which recruiters are likely to put in an ATS scanner. This will increase the chances of you getting shortlisted for an interview and getting a job faster.    Write a ballroom dancer resume objective if you are a fresher    Alwa ys make a ballroom dancer resume objective section instead of a ballroom dancer resume summary section if you are a fresher.      In this, you can write your ballroom dancer resume objective w.r.t. your career profile since you don’t have any prior experience to put in a ballroom dancer resume summary.    Write Company Description    While writing your work experience do remember to write a short one-line description about the company you previously worked for. This will help the recruiter to know a little about your previous company if he hasn’t heard about it already. Also, it will increase your chances of getting recruited. Ask away if you still have any more questions.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

10 ways to trick your brain into being more productive, according to a neuroscientist

10 ways to trick your brain into being more productive, according to a neuroscientist 10 ways to trick your brain into being more productive, according to a neuroscientist If you’ve ever complained about being too busy, it may not be your boss overworking you - your brain could be the problem.Aside from actual work, employees waste more time with constant distractions, meetings, and emails than ever, according to software company  Atlassian. Technology hasn’t helped: on average, Vox found workers send Slack messages every 12 minutes in an eight-hour workday.In conjunction to the constant barrage of distractions, employees and executives around the world complain of  burnout and stress, particularly at large  tech companies.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!The paradox between the decline in productive work during the day and the feeling of being constantly overworked could boil down to your biology, UC Berkeley cognitive neuroscientist  Sahar Yousef  told the audience at Adobe’s 99U conference, which brought together creative experts in fields from virtual reality to interactive art.Everything about the workday has changed, Yousef said: most communication no longer occurs in person; technology allows workers to constantly be plugged into work regardless of a 9-to-5 schedule; you have coworkers around the world; and open offices have replaced cubicles.Our bodies are the only thing that haven’t changed, Yousef added. Many of us have not adapted our biology or rewired our brains to the tech that transformed our workplaces.“We’ve created amazing new tech and devices, but the crux of the problem is that we’re not changing - we’re still ancient, we still have this old biology,” Yousef told the audience. “Until we actually stop fighting our biology and embrace it and leverage it, it’s going to feel like an uphill battle.”Yousef explained ways to rewire your workday to get the most out of your body’s optimal performance ability. Here are 10 ways to trick your brain into getting more done, according to Yousef.Keep smartphones - whether yours or someone else’s -  out of sight.Distraction is the number one effectiveness killer, Yousef said. The main distraction culprit? Your smartphone.In fact, a study out of the  University of Texas-Austin  found that if subjects were in the same room as any iPhone, even one that’s not turned on and not theirs, basic intelligence, memory, and attention scores all dip. “By having your smartphone out, you are literally bringing the IQ of the entire room down,” Yousef told the audience.Smartphones distract humans because, psychologically, they are no longer just objects to place phone calls. People become emotionally attached to feelings of value or memories, whether through emotional phone calls you remember having or with pictures of relatives you store.“These phones are emotional, we care about them, and this is why they are the most distracting thing in human history at this point,” Yousef said.Keeping iPhones away help you detach fr om the emotional connection you have with your phone.Ditch your open officeOpen offices have caused a net decline in productivity:  Harvard researchers  found with open office plans, face-to-face interaction time got cut by a factor of four, and workers sent 56% more emails at double the length.In an open office, people constantly interact with coworkers with whom they have emotional connections to, Yousef said. Since humans are biologically social beings, having emotional connections keeps you more engaged with your “tribe,” or your community, and less engaged with the tasks in front of you.For this reason, doing work in a busy coffee shop can be more productive because you don’t have any connection with those around you.“The human brain isn’t designed to be in a massive open space,” Yousef said. “You’re physiologically more stressed out. It’s like trying to get work done at a daycare center.”Remember that it’s physically impossible to multitaskWhen humans swi tch from one task to another, our brains must take time and energy to focus on the next task. The time wasted in switching between tasks is called a “switch cost.”“Every single time we switch there is a cost,” Yousef said. “It’s draining. It’s taking longer to do the same thing.”Yousef instead encourages people to mono-task, or even schedule intentional time to do one thing, called a “focus sprint.” To do a focus sprint, you must set aside a block of time to intentionally get a single task done, set a timer, and turn off all other notifications.Turn off your notificationsPeople have, on average, 90 seconds before getting interrupted as of 2013, according to the University of California-Irvine. In 2011, people had three minutes before getting distracted.Notifying you and distracting you is all part of the design, Yousef said. Apps are designed to use psychological tricks to continuously grab your attention. App developers even looked at how casinos keep gamblers a ddicted to slots, and they created notifications to mirror their effects,  Business Insider’s Avery Hartmans reported.To keep from getting distracted, Yousef said to take back control over notifications by turning them off and focusing your energy on productive tasks.Anchor your attention by writing down your tasksBefore performing a “focus sprint,” or whenever you want to set aside time to accomplish one task, writing it down on a sticky note and keeping it on your monitor will help anchor your attention. Every time you find yourself getting distracted, Yousef said, the sticky note will help bring you back to the task.Setting a timer can also help “light a fire under your butt” to do the task in front of you and minimize distractions.To prevent procrastination, make your tasks less frighteningThe root cause of procrastination is fear, Yousef said. When you have a mountain of tasks in front of you, you think it’s never going to get done anyway and start procrastinating. “It’s when the task in front of us looks so big that we start to do silly things, saying I’m not enough for the task.”To trick your brain into doing more, break down your tasks and ask yourself what can get done in five minutes that will push you forward, Yousef said.Find your peak performance hoursThe hours of the day are not equal, Yousef said. Some parts of the day lead to more creativity, while others keep you at a low energy level. Finding the hours of the day you reach your peak performance level and optimizing that time frame leads to more success, she argues.In fact, the country’s top executives report being five times more productive during their peak performance hours in the day - yet only 5% of them report being in a state of deep engagement during this time, according to a  McKinsey  study. Increasing the amount of time spent on deep engagement from 5% to even just 20% can double productivity, according to the study.Yousef suggests strategically designing your workday around your peak performance hours, which you can find through jotting down what parts of your day lead to the most productivity.Automate your decisionsMany successful people, from Barack Obama to Steve Jobs,  wear the same outfit every day.Psychologically, these successful people wear the same clothes to keep from having to decide what to wear. In doing so, they avoid decision fatigue, or the psychological idea that making decisions depletes your brain’s energy, Yousef said.The willpower humans have to make good decisions, what Yousef refers to as self-regulatory strength, is actually a finite, deplorable resource. Spending too much time in a day making meaningless decisions keeps you from using self-regulatory strength to make important ones. Instead, Yousef suggests automating certain decisions, like what to wear or eat for breakfast, so you can ultimately make better decisions related to work projects.Take a breakWhile many college students or workaholics believe pull ing all-nighters gets more done, a lack of sleep has effects similar to being drunk. In fact, Yousef said, going 22 hours without sleep has the same biological impacts as having a 0.08 blood alcohol concentration.Sleeping seven hours a night and taking dedicated work breaks helps your body re-fuel and stay focused. Yousef also says to snack on low-sugar, high-protein foods during the day to keep your blood glucose level stable enough for optimal energy.Hack your morning coffeeYousef also says to use caffeine effectively. Humans typically already have energy right when they wake up, and throwing more coffee on top of your energy won’t help. Instead, for people who have average  circadian rhythms  (your body’s internal clock), the best times to have caffeine are at 10 am and 1 pm, or after lunch.This article first appeared on Business Insider.    You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, November 16, 2019

6 Ways to Balance Life, Work and Caregiving

6 Ways to Balance Life, Work and Caregiving 6 Ways to Balance Life, Work and Caregiving Are you taking care of family members or friends while also working a paid job? You’re not alone ; the majority of family caregivers work at some point during their family caregiving journey. Some have supportive employers; others have inflexible work situations, either due to work policies or the logistics of their work. As caregivers,  we often feel like we have two jobs because caregiving can be very time-consuming. It doesn’t leave much time for the rest of our life or caring for ourselves. Whatever your situation is as a working caregiver, these tips may help you find balance: 1. Talk with your human resources department , manager or supervisor about your situation. If you are experiencing specific problems like the need to take time off due to caregiving responsibilities, suggest solutions like job-sharing, taking leave or telecommuting. You may be able to remain a valuable employee and an effective caregiver with a few adjustments. Be sure to have a backup plan for work if you need to deal with a caregiving crisis. Ask about flexible hours - perhaps starting your workday later so you can help your loved ones in the morning. You might try working a compressed schedule: work four longer days and have the fifth day off (or nine longer days and the tenth day off). If your schedule is constantly changing, you could request a set, predictable schedule so you can plan around it. Some caregivers reduce work time by sharing a job with another employee, or changing to part-time work. If your company offers phased-in retirement you could gradually cut back on hours. If your company has multiple locations you might consider transferring to a location that is closer to your loved ones’ or to your home, or telecommuting, so you’ll reduce commute time. When my Dad had a hip replacement, I was able to telecommute for a month from my parents’ home, which made it possible for me to help him recuperate and care for Mom, who had suffered a stroke. Become familiar with your company’s paid and unpaid leave options. Can you use vacation, personal days or sick time for caregiving? Some companies offer donated leave options so co-workers can give you their unused leave. The federal Family and Medical Leave Act ( FMLA) entitles eligible employees of all public agencies, all public and private elementary and secondary schools, and companies with 50 or more employees who work within a 75-mile radius to up to 12 weeks a year of unpaid leave as well as job protection (you must have been an employee for at least one year and have worked a minimum of 1250 hours in the past year to qualify), and military caregivers who qualify are entitled to up to 26 weeks off in a year. Some states also have family and medical leave policies, and some smaller employers may also offer options. 5. Ask about any company benefits that might help caregivers. Some employers offer Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefits or counseling, information and referral, eldercare assessments, legal assistance, financial counseling or help with insurance issues. A few companies even help pay for back-up eldercare if your caregiving plans fall through and you need to work. Your company may also offer things that help you, such as on-site support groups, concierge services (to help with running errands etc.), health and wellness programs or discounts that help you take care of yourself too. You probably feel pressured to meet everyone else’s needs: your loved ones’, your family and other relationships, pets, volunteer work and more, while achieving at work and building your career- not an easy task. So when do you squeeze in time to take care of yourself? I find it’s important to actually schedule time for me on my calendar - even if it’s just a ten-minute time slot, including exercising, connecting with friends in person or online, getting creative or engaging in hobbies and even sleeping, which is often the first thing we sacrifice when busy- but probably what we need the most to keep all the balls in the air. Some people actually change jobs in order to meet their caregiving responsibilities. I became an independent consultant so I could have the maximum flexibility in work hours and location, and I moved across the country to care for my parents. You may consider a less stressful job or one that is less tiring or depleting for you, so you still have energy for caregiving. Before making a job change, be sure to consult with your financial advisor and plan wisely for your own future. Amy Goyer, author of Juggling Life, Work and Caregiving , is a writer, speaker and consultant specializing in caregiving. She serves as AARP’s national Family and Caregiving Expert.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Arithmetic Reasoning Sample Questions on the ASVAB

Arithmetic Reasoning Sample Questions on the ASVAB Arithmetic Reasoning Sample Questions on the ASVAB There are two types of Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB Tests) that you can take with a recruiter. The questions are similar but the written test is longer than the computerized test. Computerized Test Format Most recruits will take the Computer Adapted Test (CAT - ASVAB) when they visit Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). It lasts about 90 minutes.   Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) â€" 16 questions in 39 minutes Written Test Format The Mobile Examination Test (MET - ASVAB) can be given at any site but must be referred to by a recruiter to take the written test. Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) â€" 30 questions in 36 minutes The other written test format is the Student ASVAB which is given at high schools, vocational schools, or colleges. This test lasts approximately three hours. The Written Arithmetic Reasoning subtest of the ASVAB consists of 30 multiple choice questions, which must be answered in 36 minutes. Below are a few sample questions which are very similar to the actual questions youll see on the ASVAB: 1. If 1/3 of a 12-foot board is sawed off, how much is left? (A) 4 feet(B) 3 feet(C) 8 feet(D) 6 feet 2. At a cost of $1.25 per gallon, 15 gallons of gas will cost: (A) $20.00(B) $18.75(C) $12.50(D) $19.25 3. A student buys a science textbook for $18.00, a math textbook for $14.50, and a dictionary for $9.95. What is the total cost of the books? (A) $27.95(B) $42.45(C) $41.95(D) $38.50 4. Jack loaned Bob $1,500 at an annual interest rate of 7%. After one year, how much will Bob owe Jack? (A) $105(B) $1,500(C) $1,605(D) $1,507 5. A 2-ton truck is taxed at a rate of $0.12 per pound. How much is the total tax bill? (A) $480(B) $240(C) $120(D) $600 Answers 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (A) The ASVAB tests are designed to measure aptitudes in four domains: Verbal, Math, Science and Technical, and Spatial. The table below describes the content of the ASVAB tests. The tests are presented in the order in which they are administered.   Test Description Domain General Science (GS)  Knowledge of physical and biological sciences Science/TechnicalArithmetic Reasoning (AR) Ability to solve arithmetic word problems MathWord Knowledge (WK) Ability to select the correct meaning of a word presented in context and to identify the best synonym for a given wordVerbal Paragraph Comprehension (PC) Ability to obtain information from written passages VerbalMathematics Knowledge (MK) Knowledge of high school mathematics principles MathElectronics Information (EI) Knowledge of electricity and electronics Science/Technical Auto Information (AI) Knowledge of automobile technologyScience/Technical  Shop Information (SI) Knowledge of tools and shop terminology and practices Science/TechnicalMechanical Comprehension (MC) Knowledge of mechanical and physical principles Science/TechnicalAssembling Objects (AO) Ability to determine how an object will   For more practice questions, you may wish to pick up a copy of my books, and information from ASVAB Fact Sheet

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Leveraging Social Media And Running A Small Business

Leveraging Social Media And Running A Small Business Leveraging Social Media And Running A Small Business Leveraging Social Media And Running A Small Business Siteman Garland, author of Smarter, Faster, Cheaper: Non-Boring, Fluff-Free Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Your Business You are a small business owner. You take care of clients and customers. And the marketing. And managing. Heck, you also clean the toilets if you have to. You also understand social media is important. You have heard all the buzzwords. You are on Facebook. You may have set up a Youtube channel. You are tweetingperhaps. While every person has a different opinion on how to maximize new media, but you have one key question: How in the heck do I have time to do all this and still run a business?!?! Bonne question! Ive had thousands of conversations with people extremely successful with social media and with thousands of folks who are not getting any traction. The same stories of success and failure come up over and over again. Why? Because social media, new media, Web 2.0, whatever the heck you want to call it, is a lot like falling in love. Perhaps you have been in one of these situations: You are/were dating someone that you were sort of into. But you always claimed you never had time to hang with him or her. You were too busy. Maybe washing your hair or walking the dog. Then, suddenly you find your soul mate and the excuses go away. You spend more time with him or her and your life doesnt fall apart. Suddenly you arent so busy. The funny thing is using social media for your small businessis really no different. It takes time and effort to create real value and it doesnt happen overnight. Like a long-term relationship, you simply have to engage with it and work at it. Here are social media lessons to maximize both your time your small business marketing strategy: 1.Attend the right THREE parties. Think about the various types of social media as different kinds of parties. Some are parties you are attending. Some are parties that you are throwing. A big mistake is trying to attend every party. That is similar to trying to attend every business conference. Sure, you might be able to make it to each one, but you will be exhausted and I doubt you will really add or take away any value. My suggestion, from the trenches building my successful online show, The Rise To The Top, from 0-100,000 viewers in less than two years is to pick a total of three types of social media from the following categories: Category #1: Online Content You Create (your party) (CHOOSE ONE TO START) Blog Podcast Webinar Series Online magazine Video tips Another type of content you dream up Category #2 Places You Hang Out (other parties) (CHOOSE TWO TO START) Facbook Twitter Youtube A couple of the other zillion social media and new media sites 2.Avoid Common Social MediaMistakes Time Wasters As any small business owner knows, time is a premium. Your personality probably falls into one of two categories: Need a plan down to the minute. Need only a guideline. Here are the most common mistakes I see made in social media for both personality types: A: Youre not creating your own online content, sponsoring content or curating content. Meaning, you are justtalking. Nothing wrong with talking, but trust and authority come from creating online content. B: Youre creating online content, but focusing it solely on your product. Instead focus on a subject or topic of interest. Tell stories that draw the reader in. What do people care about that you can write/blog about? Keep your social mediamarketing relevant and human. C: Lack of consistency in creation. Have a consistent day(s) you post. Perhaps it is Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday/Thursday. D: Spending your allotted time on online content creation. When you do this, you wont build traction. The secret sauce of social media is the social element. Be a social media leaderby building relationships, meeting people, etc. 3.The Big Secret. is there is no secret. Everyone has different opinions. In my experience of going from a complete unknown to building a 100,000 person community online in less than two years via social media, Ive found that there isnt one thing that worked. It is a combination of many things. Since 2008 Ive posted over 200 articles, 500 videos, 14,000+ tweets, talked to the media over 200 times, hosted 26 events the list goes on. Those numbers arent meant to scare you, but instead encourage you because it all starts with one simple step. One post. One tweet. One interesting conversation. It is up to you to build the momentum. Go get em! Author Bio: Davis Siteman Garland is the creator/host of The Rise To The Top, the #1 Non-Boring Business Show and author of Smarter, Faster, Cheaper: Non-Boring, Fluff-Free Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Your Business,(Wiley, 2011).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Fathers Day reminder from science Your kids arent really growing up quickly

A Father’s Day reminder from science Your kids aren’t really growing up quickly A Father’s Day reminder from science Your kids aren’t really growing up quickly I am one of those men for whom it is impossible to find Father’s Day gifts.I don’t wear ties. My socks are all the same, in the interest of efficiency. I enjoy cooking, which would seem to open up some possibilities. But I have an annoying habit of buying useful gadgets as I need them, leaving my relatives to purchase paper bags specially designed for storing cheese, say, or devices that carve vegetables into the shape of noodles.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!With sympathy for my family, the truth is that my favorite Father’s Day gift this year has been the gift of time. Or more precisely, a new understanding of how my perception of time is warped by the brain. I am a social psychologist who studies how people’s minds shape their subjective experiences. And there are few experiences more subjective than the experience of time.A childhood whooshing bySurely every p arent has suffered the same pains I am feeling as my daughter turns 9.In her first year, the sleepless nights were eternities passed under the glowing blue rectangles of an LCD clock. The days stretched out too, as I wished for the time when she could be entertained on her own by a toy or a cartoon, for even a few minutes. It felt like climbing uphill in anticipation of that time when we could coast.Now, as she stretches from the roundness of a baby toward the long gazelle lines of a pre-teen, I feel that we have somehow accelerated too fast. Somewhere, we crested the top, but there was no coasting, only a whooshing that I can’t slow down.Is this feeling of time whistling past inevitable? Scientists have uncovered startling insights about how the brain registers the passage of time. Understanding them won’t make that whooshing feeling go away, exactly, but it can make it less painful.The passage of timeThis feeling of time speeding up or slowing down happens in a lot of areas of life.We generally feel that our moments become more fleeting as we get older. Remember how long summer vacation seemed as a kid? And, ironically, as we get older larger chunks of time like decades seem to fly faster than smaller chunks like days or minutes.Unpublished research by Heidi Vuletich in my lab finds that scarce resources make the future feel further away, which helps explain why poor children make more impatient decisions than middle-class kids. Time also seems to slow down during an emotionally intense event, whether it’s a car crash or a sleepless night.Does time really go into slow motion during a car crash? Does it really speed up as we age? What these phenomena have in common is that they are all experienced retrospectively or prospectively, not in real time. There is no way to re-experience the car crash without traveling through the doorway of memory. So when we experience time speeding up or slowing down, is that happening in real time? Or is it a memory illusi on?Neuroscientist David Eagleman and his colleagues ran an ingenious experiment to find out. They used a sky-diving tower at an amusement park in Dallas. Subjects ascended in an elevator to the top of a 100-foot tower and then let themselves free fall into a net at the bottom.Strapped to their wrists was a chronometer â€" a device for measuring time perception. It was a screen on which numbers flickered back and forth very quickly â€" so quickly that it’s difficult to identify the numbers. The point of the chronometer is that if time really slows down for the brain when falling, then a person in free fall should be able to accurately perceive more flickering numbers per second, relative to when they’re safe on the ground.So what happened? When asked afterward to estimate how long they were falling, subjects overestimated the time they were in the air by more than a third. In their memories, time had indeed slowed down. But, according to the numbers participants reported seeing o n the chronometer, time passed at the same ordinary rate as it did before the free fall.This is why even though we seem to experience a car crash in slow motion, the extra time does not allow us any extra ability to steer out of the way. That’s because the slow motion is in our memories, not in the moment. Think of what this means for our experiences of time slowing down and speeding up: That whooshing feeling is not in our present, but only in our memories of it.The present is nowSo are we doomed to feel that our children’s youth is speeding away?It is likely to feel that way whenever we reminisce about the past. The more important lesson, though, is not about the past but the present. Now that I’m free falling toward her adolescence, it’s important to understand that time is not really whistling away from me. Each moment lasts the same as it did when she was a baby. Each moment holds as much joy and as much pain now as it will tomorrow.And so, this insight is a call to let the remembered past and the fretted future go and to return attention relentlessly to the present. Someday I will look back, my head swimming, and remember today like those long, lazy summer days. But right now, a moment is just a moment. Right now she still loves to lay beside me and hear me read to her. Right now I am the big one and the strong one who can scoop her up in one arm when she needs it. Right now, I am not “my dad,” I am daddy. What more could a father want?Keith Payne, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of North Carolina at Chapel HillThis article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Monday, November 11, 2019

Applicant Tracking System Evaluation Toolkit

Applicant Tracking System Evaluation Toolkit Applicant Tracking System Evaluation Toolkit Finding the right applicant tracking system that meets all the needs of your organization can be an overwhelming task. It can be a challenge even knowing where to start when considering applicant tracking systems and how to compare each solution. Here you will find important areas to investigate, questions to ask and responses to analyze during the applicant tracking systems evaluation process. This information will guide your company in the search for the appropriate applicant tracking system to meet your needs. Identify Applicant Tracking System Decision Makers A company must organize itself internally before starting any applicant tracking systems evaluation process. When preparing to evaluate an applicant tracking system, it is essential to form a collaboration of stakeholders and give these decision makers time to arrive at an informed decision. Your selection committee should be prepared to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each applicant tracking system vendor. The selection committee should include these members. Selection Executive: This is usually a Senior Vice President (SVP) or Vice President (VP) of Human Resources who can empower the other committee members with a clear directive and vision. The person should also have the ability to explain the vendor selection in terms of Return on Investment (ROI) to his/her counterparts.Selection Manager: This person must have a full understanding of the hiring process and the company’s pain points in order to create proper search and selection tactics.Committee Member: To ensure the users voice is represented and that successful adoption of the chosen solution will occur. Committee Contributors: These are members from other departments that provide additional input to the applicant tracking system selection process. Those with financial expertise can give input on the financial stability of the vendors or compare the total cost of each applicant tracking system in relation to the project budget. IT contributors can educate committee members on the technical capabilities of the vendors’ applicant tracking systems and help compare each solution to your current system.Committee members should be people who can recognize the value of technology tools, process optimization, and customer service as it relates to your corporate vision of talent management. Document Your Current Hiring Process After you have assembled your applicant tracking system selection committee, your first assignment is to create a document that tracks the process of the employee requisition, your hiring process, and the role of the hiring manager, the recruiter, and the candidate to complete a hire. Then your committee should discuss why each step is necessary and what would happen if it were eliminated. Simplify your hiring process and make sure each step is really adding value and helping you produce quality hires. This will allow your committee to compare the needs of your hiring process with the capabilities of each applicant tracking system. This evaluation is a great opportunity to learn about best practices in hiring and to review and optimize your current hiring process. Identify Requirements for Your Applicant Tracking System Now that you have clearly identified your company’s hiring process, your committee is fully prepared to identify your company requirements for an applicant tracking system. Bear in mind that you want to have a clear-cut answer to the following questions: Why are you buying this applicant tracking system?Is your current hiring process aligned with your company goals? Keeping these questions in mind will help your committee make a strong case to purchase an applicant tracking solution. In order for the applicant tracking system you choose to have a strong connection to the ROI, your committee must create clear expectations of what you want in an applicant tracking system. Your applicant tracking system should build a better relationship between recruiters and hiring managers, streamline your requisition creation and approval process, and improve your quality of hires. Your applicant tracking system should streamline the recruitment efforts of Human Resource professionals through automation, creating a more efficient and cost-effective hiring process. This is the perfect time to address common HR challenges, such as: High volume of resumes with no effective way of accepting, reviewing and managing.High volume of job opportunities with cumbersome internal communication.Inability to access information quickly and report on all recruiting metrics.Losing qualified applicants due to haphazard storage of resumes.Duplication of recruiting efforts between various branch offices and divisions locally or abroad.Excessive IT maintenance and support expenses with homegrown technology.Ineffective tracking of EEO-OFCCP compliance data. Struggling to get proper attention from IT for technology upgrades and enhancements. Also, take this opportunity to consider the value of improvements from new processes and technologies such as: avoiding using different modules,improving communication, andaddressing global issues. To keep this manageable you need to identify essential must haves in order to eliminate unqualified vendors. For instance, as a fundamental factor, your committee may decide that you will only consider vendors that provide a Web-based solution as opposed to an installed system, as the hosted solution eliminates any burden on your IT team. Identify Requirements for Your Applicant Tracking System Identifying clear business goals will connect your priorities to your requirements. It is imperative that your committee stays focused on its initial system requirements. The committee must avoid being distracted by system elements that are not in line with your company’s priorities. You have recognized the important business goals and key requirements to consider when forming your own objectives. Key Requirements to Consider in an Applicant Tracking System Process efficiencies: centralizing a process can improve a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, job requisitions, tracking, management of employee referral and transfer programs.Allows candidates to quickly and easily apply to your organization for salary and hourly hire without going through multiple pages of questions.Can facilitate high-volume recruiting while remaining cost-effective.A highly configurable, scalable solution that can configure to our unique hiring management process and capable to accommodate our evolving needs as our organization grows or our processes change. Improved reporting capabilities: many organizations are challenged with determining their total spends on vendors, sourcing, and comparing metrics. Coordinating through a single source will allow for accurate centralized reporting.Allows recruiters to search the database on all information, and by specific parameters.Includes a Reporting Center that enables users to run ad-hoc reports and save criteria for future use, as well as run industry standard reports, including cost-per-hire, time-to-fill, source effectiveness, and more. Build Brand Identity and Awareness Creating a connection between an applicant and a positive employment experience will craft recognition of the brand. A strong brand can generate trust that will drive applicant traffic and enhance your talent pool.Branded Career Center web pages may be accessible through your company’s Web site.Allows recruiters to easily post career information to the company Web site.Provide multi-language capabilities for global support.EEO/AAP Compliant.The ability to maintain an accurate measure of such information will keep in agreement with federal regulations and avoid any legal actions against the organization. It will also help to establish applicant quality. Capable of capturing, tracking, and reporting voluntary EEO data, while remaining in compliance with the guidelines set forth by the EEO/OFCCP.Capable of pre-screening candidates with elimination questions in order to indicate those who meet basic qualifications for the position.Improved communications.Establishes an environment that effectively informs, will unify all the users and streamline the organization’s operations.Includes a Communication Center to facilitate communication among recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates. Also allows users to schedule appointments, leave notes and interview feedback, to send mass messages, and auto-respond to applicants upon receipt of resume. Customer Support for the Applicant Tracking System Full user adoption depends on the level of customer support provided by the vendor during and after implementation.Readily available support team, dedicated to managing company and user issues while employing industry best practices.The highest level of support available at no charge to your company. Applicant Tracking Systems Vendor Assessment It is recommended that you ask for a Request for Proposal (RFP) from potential vendors your committee has decided to consider. This is your opportunity to gain clarification on any topic to help your committee determine whether the applicant tracking software can do the required job. Your committee should consider the following major issues to devise an effective RFP: Does the system support the main concerns of your committee? This ties into the previous part of the evaluation process; you must know your process completely before you can determine what features you need. Your committee cannot be distracted by solutions that may offer functions that are not your main priority. While they may seem attractive, many flashy features and functions will not create any value for your organization if they will not be adopted by your users.Has the vendor installed the system in another organization of a similar size? Your committee should have access to references that can give you insight on issues such as customer satisfaction and follow up the implementation process, and hidden fees. Remember, features are of no value without strong user adoption.What does the implementation process entail? Having a successful adoption rate begins with proper implementation. You want to be sure that your chosen vendor does not leave your users without proper training and continuous support. The implementation should be centered on your organization’s recruitment process, not learning how to accommodate to their system.You should never have the feeling that your implementation program will leave you feeling lost and unsure of the vendor’s capabilities. During the evaluation process your committee should have the impression that, based on your department priorities and business goals, your implementation will create a strong foundation for a long partnership with your applicant tracking system provider. Reme mber that high user adoption to the applicant tracking system will generate a higher ROI. More About Applicant Tracking Systems Vendor Assessment What is the vision and growth strategy of the vendor? The vendor must demonstrate leadership and foresight as a market leader. In order to present a comprehensive solution, the vendor should take into consideration your specific needs and prepare for change and growth in the future.Determine whether this solution contributes to your overall business plan? In the end, the Selection Executive will likely need to display an expected ROI in order to make a strong case for the solution.The Selection Executive must look for savings on such things as recruitment advertising, employee value of the use of search firms, and process optimization provided by the vendor. The company should also save on employee retention and candidate quality. It can be overwhelming to create a fully detailed document of inquiries that will encompass all the necessary topics to evaluate an applicant tracking system. Beyond features and functions, your committee should be sure to discuss the vendor’s ability to serve as a long-term partner to your organization. As your committee conducts its vendor assessment process, you want to be sure to consider such factors as:Financial Stability: Conduct due diligence on the financial statements of all prospective vendors under review. You will find this is a perfect topic through which your financial committee contributor can guide you.Qualities of Strategic Partners: To offer a complete solution some vendors will partner with other service companies in order to offer their clients a more comprehensive suite of services. Your committee should be aware of any partnerships that are involved with the competing vendors. The information can provide an insight into the possible partnership between your company and the vendor. Recruitment Capabilities: Regardless of your company size, you need to make sure that the vendor has the capability to support the full employee life cycle, from applicant tracking, onboarding, succession planning to off-boarding. This will prevent your company from growing out of its solution, which would likely result in aggravation, a new evaluation, and costly implementation fees.Future Product Development: Be sure that the vendor conveys a strong understanding of the challenges facing recruitment now and in the future. The vendor you choose must be on the pulse of technology and industry news in order to adjust to your changing needs and ensure that the solution’s configurations are being used to its fullest potential. Integration with HRIS: Although you may want your IT committee contributor to provide input on this matter, it should not sway your committee into using an applicant tracking system that will not adequately serve the entire department. Any vendor worth considering should provide the capability to move key information from its system into your HRIS system with minimal difficulty. Summary of Vendor Selection for Applicant Tracking Systems The timeline for a vendor selection process for an applicant tracking system can range from a month to six or more to complete. The following is a suggested timetable that will allow your committee to project a timeframe for the vendor selection process for an applicant tracking system. Please be advised that this is subject to change based on a preferred implementation date. Timeline for Your Vendor Selection for Applicant Tracking Systems Form a selection committee - 1 weekIdentify company needs - 1 to 2 weeks Objectively assess vendors against the identified company needs with the following process: Create a long list of possible vendors - 1 weekRequest RFPs to provide clarification on any topic or concern - 4 weeksCreate a shortlist using your key evaluation criteria - 1 to 2 weeksFinalize a vendor - 3 to 6 weeksDemonstrate various systems - as soon as possibleSales presentations - as soon as possibleSite visits - as needed Keep in mind that the main goal of an applicant tracking system is to empower your users. Committee members should be able to recognize and place a value upon technology tools, process optimization, company vision, and customer support in order to strategically narrow down the vendors into a short list of real possibilities. It is likely that your short list may not have many distinguishing functional differences; therefore it is important to keep the less tangible elements of that vendor in mind. Your committee should look to sources of information such as the vendor’s Web site, newsgroups, Human Resource portals, and tradeshows. Connect with colleagues at other companies that are similar in size, needs, and industry to learn from their experiences. Partnering with a service-oriented vendor that is the most compatible fit with your organization’s vision and goals for the future will prove invaluable for all key players in your applicant tracking system evaluation, selection, and implementation. More About Recruiting and Hiring Recruiting Stars: Top Ten Ways to Get Great Candidates.Use LinkedIn for Recruiting Employees.