Monday, December 30, 2019
How to Determine How Long Your Resume Should Be
How to Determine How Long Your Resume Should BeHow to Determine How Long Your Resume Should BeIt wasnt long ago that most job seekers were told their resumes should be one page. No more, no less. If it went over to two pages, the document was destined for the rejection pile.Thankfully, times have changed. Today, theres a little more flexibility when it comes to resume length. That said, for your particular situation, the best resume length depends on a number of factors, including experience level and accomplishments. For instanceIf you have fewer than 10 years of experience, or youre making a big switch in terms of career field, then a one-page resume is most appropriate.If, however, you have extensive experience in your field and a steady career progression to demonstrate it, then opt for a resume thats two pages long. This will give you the space you need to discuss your background in a way thats easy-to-scan without trying to cram details onto one page.The only scenario where se nding a three-page+ resume makes sense is if you are an executive-level professional or in senior management with a long track record of titles and accomplishments.To help you create a resume thats the best length for your background, here are some tips to keep in mind during the processYour resume is a marketing document. You should only be giving your career highlights, not offering a deep dive into every move youve made over the years. Remember too that hiring managers arent deciding whom to hire based on resumes, only those they want to bring in for an interview.It should focus on your strengths.Hiring managers only spend a few seconds reading through each resume they receive. Its therefore important to showcase your strongest selling points and format your resume in a way thats easy to scan. Dont dilute it with unnecessary minutiae about your career history.Dont be afraid to get help from a trusted source.If youre having trouble paring down your resume and fitting it onto one o r two pages, ask for help from a trusted family member, friend or colleague. Give them both your resume and the job description so they can review both and offer editing advice. A fresh pair of eyes can help you focus in on the vital components of your background and eliminate the unneeded ones, all so you can put your best foot forward.Looking for additional help with the resume-writing process?Check out our website for resume templates to inspire you or connect with our team today for help creating a professionally polished resume. Call 832.930.7378 with questions, to learn more, or get started.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
How to Confront a Co-worker and Resolve a Conflict - The Muse
How to Confront a Co-worker and Resolve a Conflict - The MuseHow to Confront a Co-worker and Resolve a Conflict If you start to feel yur heart race and your stomach drop when you even think about confronting a co-worker, I get it. Conflict is no fun- and in office cultures where were encouraged to collaborate closely together, respect each other, and even become friends, confrontation might seem like the last thing you should do. So its no surprise that when an issue that needs to be addressed comes up, folks often prefer to dump their problems on HR and run. But heres the thing about HR professionals- when were doing our jobs right, were working ourselves out of a job. Instead of cleaning up others messes, we want to empower everyone at our company to be able to work through their own problems. Not because its less work for us, but because nine times out of 10, its mora effective. When youre the one dealing with a situation firstkralle, you have a better idea of how it can be fixed. Inspired to take matters into your own hands, but not quite sure where to start? Check out the tips below. 1. Review Your OptionsTheres an endless number of ways you can address conflict a quick chat, a mediation session, an office-wide meeting- the list goes on. All of these are effective in their own ways, but that doesnt mean theyre interchangeable. The approach that will work best for you will depend on your circumstances. To figure out what action you should take, ask yourself a few questions firstHow many people are involved in the situation? Is there one co-worker in particular you need to address, or are there multiple?How frequently has this happened? Was it a one-off mistake, or is a pattern emerging? How serious is the conflict at hand? Is it a careless but relatively small error, or something more severe?If youre dealing with a minor offense involving only one person (say, a condescending comment or a lie), you may want to opt to pull him or her aside for a quick, casua l five- to 10-minute chat. If you need to communicate to a larger group, however, speaking to your boss about sending out an office memo or setting up a team meeting may be the most appropriate. For persistent, ongoing issues between two or more people, a sit-down mediation is a great way to dig deep into whats going on and reach a mutual solution.No matter what you end up choosing, though, make sure to approach the conversation with a level head, open mind, and positive attitude.2. Pump Yourself UpOften, the most difficult thing about confrontation is gathering up the courage to do it. If this sounds like you, make sure to take some time in advance to mentally prepare. This can involve anything from practicing with a colleague or friend to writing down your talking points. Its also helpful to remind yourself why youre doing this in the first place. One thing I like to remind folks is that conflict- both inside the office and out- is inevitable. You might be tempted to duck out this time, but there will come a point in your life wheen you cant avoid it. And the sooner you can learn to tackle it head on, the sooner youll be able to get what you want and need out of your professional and personal lives. Its also worth noting that conflict is a natural byproduct of working with others. Any time you get more than one person in a room, youll have opposing ideas and points of view. Sure, it can be uncomfortable at times, but the alternative is withdrawing from your co-workers completely. Is that really the experience you want? For most people, its not.At the root of a lot of conflict avoidance is a fear that youll be upsetting or insulting the person you speak with, but remember If you dont bring up an issue that needs to be addressed, youre denying your co-worker a chance to grow. When you think of it that way, its easier to accept that confrontation is the best option for everyone. This is a major theme of a book on conflict entscheidung called Difficult Conversat ions How to Discuss What Matters Most. If youre particularly conflict-averse, its more than worth a read. (And if you dont have time for a whole book, this article on professionally confronting your co-worker is a good option. Plus, it comes with an example conversation.)3. But After All That, Dont Be Afraid to Ask HR for HelpDont get me wrong While you dont want to rely on HR to do all of the work for you, you shouldnt be afraid to reach out to them for help. And you should always, always reach out to HR in the case of severe offenses, like harassment or bullying. When the safety and comfort of you or your co-workers is at stake, looking out for your well-being comes first- and human resources has the experience and training necessary to handle situations like these. But even with minor issues, there are a ton of ways that the HR team can help. (While still ensuring that you take an active role.) In the past, Ive done everything from roleplaying a difficult conversation to moderati ng a mediation, leading a group meeting, and more. Whatever situation you find yourself in, Id bet that your companys encountered it before and has some insight to share. I know how intimidating and unpleasant conflict can be. If I had to choose between letting an employee know he or she was getting promoted or having to sit down and tell somebody that his or her performance has been lagging, believe me, Id choose the former every time. But conflict is unavoidable, and even more importantly, necessary. And when you take ownership of the situation yourself, rather than making HR do all the heavy lifting, youll end up with a more calm, productive, and cohesive working environment than ever- all while feeling like the strong, empowered employee you know you can be.Photo of co-workers courtesy of Hero Images/Getty Images.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
7 plants to improve your office environment
7 plants to improve your office environment7 plants to improve your office environmentIndoor air can actually be as much as 12 times more polluted than outside air in some areas due to compounds in paints, furnishing, clothing and building materials. But plants can remove up to 80-90% of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including substances such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene which can be found in things like paint and varnish, clothing, furniture, and print equipment.Studies have also shown that peoples productivity increases when theyre working in rooms containing plants, so theyre definitely worth having in the office for more than simple decorative reasons.The office experts behind have compiled a list of the most beneficial plants to keep and care for in workplace environments. These are plants that are able to filter and purify the air, as well as grow indoors with limited light sources and little-to-no intervention.1. Devils IvyThis easy-to- care for plant with heart-shaped, white-splotched leaves adapts well to a variety of office conditions from those with low light levels to brighter ones. It can be trained around a pole or cane, but looks great in big pots on a desk, shelf, table or the floor.2. Peace LilyThe peace lily is ideal for an office space that lacks big windows as it can grow in the lowest lighting. This is a large, space-filling plant that can clean the air.3. Gerber DaisyThis flowering plant which is also known as Gerbara is one which can filter toxins such as benzene, a substance that can be emitted by some printing systems.4. Warneck DracaenaAlso known as Dracaena reflexa, this shrub can grow super tall which means its perfect for offices with high ceilings and can be great to use as a natural gestaffelte anordnung barrier for different areas of a room. It also combats pollutants commonly found in varnishes and oils, so if your office space has hardwood floors, this plant would be ideal.5. Weeping f igWith long arching branches and large, pointed leaves, the weeping fig is an attractive indoor plant that can filter pollutants from carpets and furniture, such as formaldehyde and benzene. This is one of the most popular small indoor trees that grows quite slowly and requires little attention, however, they dont like being moved and will drop leaves to produce new ones if there is a change in the lighting, temperature and humidity.6. FittoniaFittonia which is sometimes referred to as the nerve plant or mosaic plant can work well in offices because it actually thrives on fluorescent light. Without water for a few days, this plant is known to faint, but its easily revived with a quick watering.7. Aloe VeraNot only does the aloe plant purify the air, it can also serve as a first aid kit for any scrapes and burns. The variegated leaves that grow out of its centre are full of soothing aloe gel.This article was originally published on
Monday, December 16, 2019
8 Words or Phrases Never to Include in Your Resume
8 Words or Phrases Never to Include in Your Resume 8 Words or Phrases Never to Include in Your Resume According to a CareerBuilder survey, 17% of hiring managers spendan average of 30 secondslooking at a resume before deciding iftheyre interested in a candidate. Having toolittletime to read each one in depth, obvious resume red flags, like an outdated resume format, typos, or too many unmatched resume fonts, are immediately eliminated. Even those that pass initial scrutiny can still fall prey to one of the fruchtwein abiding faux pas of resume donts poor diction. By this we mean those hackneyed termsthat are ripe for resume retirement. Here, well talk about eight of the resume words nearly every hiring manager hates.1. ObjectiveObjective is a no-no because it is part of Objective Statement, an outdated phrase on any resume. Thesestatementsfell out of favor because they talked more about what a job seeker would get out of a position, rather than focusing on what a job seeker would bri ng to a position. The company-focused term is, instead, a career summary, which describes a job seekers most relevant skills, qualities, and accomplishments that would make them a good fit for a position.A career summary (also called executive summary) is a better alternative to an objective statement.2. Highly-qualifiedIf you use the word highly-qualified on your resume, youre likely to seem anything but. Plus, youll be including one of recruiters turn offs. Rather thanbeing so bold as to list this word,let your highly-qualified status become evident to readers by virtue ofyour accomplishments, experience, and education.3. Team player orHard workerThese phrases are both clichd and vague they dont say much about what you did in a previous position. Instead of using language that is likely on every resume, trade out phrases like these for measurable objectives. Measurable accomplishments are quantifiable achievements you performed in a position, usually expressedin the form of numbe rs, percentages, and profit.4. UtilizedUtilized is just a dressed-up version of the word use. Dont try to fancy up a perfectly workable verb in order to sound more accomplished. Recruiters can see right through these tactics. Skills and achievements, when properly highlighted (as through the aforementioned measurable results), need no furtherembellishments.5. Self-motivated orGo-getterYou dont want to include too much generalizing, especially about describing how great you are. Instead of including these praiseworthy adjectives, include verbs like improved or created about your measurable accomplishments to let the reader make his or her own judgments about you.6. ProactiveProactive is one of those resume buzzwords that doesnt say much. While it might sound good, it doesnt tell the recruiter how exactly youre proactive. Instead of listing words that sound good, scan the job posting and your resume through Jobscan. Jobscan pulls keywords from the job posting that you should match on your resume. Whiletailoring, look through those pulled keywords to find one or more that demonstrate your proactive attitude more specifically.Take the time to tailor your resume to each job.7. References available upon requestAnother ghostof resumes past, References available upon request takes up space unnecessarily all employers will require references, and they will expect that job seekers will provide them.8. Was and BecameThese verbs of being dont talk about what you did in previous positions, the most important function of your resume. Instead of writing verbs like these,include action verbsto createvisuals in your readers heads.Bottom line use words that help recruiters understand who you areand what you can bring to the table, in the quickest and most straightforward way. Ditch superfluous terms.Your language should beclear in expressing what youve done and the various ways in which youve achieved them.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Ghosting is becoming more and more common in the workplace
Ghosting is becoming more and more common in the workplaceGhosting is becoming more and more common in the workplaceIn the dating world, its the dreaded term that has come to mean 1 person cutting off anotlagelageher entirely, without reason. But now ghosting has entered the workplace too, causing headaches in the form of lost time and resources for employers, HR and recruiters alike.Candidates agree to job interviews and fail to show up, never to be heard from again. Others accept jobs, only to not turn up for their first day, no reason given of course. Instead of formally quitting, enduring a potentially awkward conversation with a manager, some employees leave 1 day and never return.Last year, a LinkedInarticleabout ghosting went viral and according to the piece, its derailing the recruiting process at companies all over the world. No matter how it happens, ghosting signals a failure of communication. However,researchsuggests this isnt a new problem, its just becoming more commonp lace.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIn todays job market, people are busier and more stressed, and therefore more likely to choose convenience over courtesy. It goes without saying that this is not something organizations should take lightly.So, we teamed up with Laura Little, Learning and Development Manager at CABA, to look more closely at what employers can do to ensure that current or potential employees dont pull a vanishing act on youCommunication is keyIt is imperative for an employer to keep the lines of communication with job candidates open right from the word go This means that an employer should be transparent about the position theyre looking to fill and provide candidates with a timeline as to how the process will work.Employers should also be sure to check that job descriptions are accurate, carefully detailing expectations and responsibilities for the role. Thi s will help to avoid any awkward conversations later down the line, realizing the job isnt for them and ghosting.Candidates may be more likely to go MIA if they feel theyre disconnected from the process. Therefore, its important to encourage candidates to come back to you if they have any questions or concerns. Remember, even if theres no news, its always good to keep in touch so the candidate knows youre still keen.Personalise the processRecruiters and HR should attempt to personalise the recruiting process and conduct meaningful, in-depth interviews, preferably face-to-face, where they can get a good read of the candidate and vice-versa. Its important to attempt to understand the candidates motivations, goals and aspirations, trying to learn as much as you can beyond their application. Again, this ensures there are no crossed wires later down the line.Know your culture and brandA brand isnt just words or logos, rather it summarises the personality of your company. Its how youre pe rceived as an employer. A strong employer brand that displays the culture of your organisation and ticks all the boxes for candidates will help to keep ghosts at bay. Part of attracting good candidates is fostering and maintaining a positive workplace culture, where employees feel valued, respected and engaged by the work they do.Thanks to the internet and plethora of websites available, candidates can conduct thorough research on your workplace and gather an initial picture before even stepping foot inside the building. Make sure your social media platforms are up-to-date and highlight the best bits of the organisation and the work it does. If youre a great match for a candidate in terms of job role, work culture and benefits, then joining you is a no-brainer for them.Be aware of your competitorsAn employer will be in a much better position with regard to hiring if it knows its competition and what its competitors are offering think about salary and benefits as a good starting poi nt. Its also worth keeping in mind that a candidate might also be applying to the competition, so be sure to have something that sets you apart.Additionally, make sure youre across all job channels to find the best wealth of talent. If youre not looking in the right places, you might not be getting the attention of the correct candidates, potentially increasing the chance that the company will be ghosted.Finally, watch out for signalsIts not hard to spot when someone is turning into a ghost. Perhaps your candidate is delaying in committing to a start date? Or, your calls and emails might be going unanswered? Maybe the tone of communication has changed?These are all warning signs. Youll need to decide whether to continue using up time and energy reaching out to the person or walk away and concentrate your efforts elsewhere.Nobody can say for certain if ghosting in the workplace is a trend thats here to stay, or if the emergence of a strong job market will in fact curb it. Whats certa in is that candidates attitudes have changed and organisations must take steps to adjust.By building a strong community, promoting positive culture and engaging new hires early and often, you can better position yourself to reduce the likelihood of candidates ghosting you for good.This article originally appeared on Your Coffee Break.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Friday, December 6, 2019
What You Should Do to Find Out About Resume for High School Students with No Experience Before Youre Left Behind
What You Should Do to Find Out About Resume for High School Students with No Experience Before Youre Left Behind Learning how to do a resume when do notlage have any work experience is quite a bit easier if youre able to demonstrate some seasonal or short-term work experience. Many times a work description will list the abilities and other qualifications that are needed. You will need experience to have a job, but you want a job to acquire experience. Write down what skills you used, and the way they may relate to the job which you desire. If a business takes an opening off its website and then calls you for an interview, you dont need to need to ask to observe the description of the job you merely applied to. Moreover, make sure that youre not utilizing an unprofessional email address. You might even have a hobby for example, writing a blog thats a review of every book you read or posting beautiful photographs on the internet that could be related to your job application. For instance, you could send out a particular number of resumes weekly. Generally speaking, higher school students have a tendency to concentrate on their club participation whilst college students often incorporate major class projects. Now you need to know how to compose a resume with no experience thats compelling and distinctive, ideal for a high school resume or a beginners resume for teens. The templates mentioned previously show you just what you should mention and the way to frame your high school student resume. A superb way to begin on your resume as a high school student is to have a look at examples of resumes and read tips about what to include and the way to format your resume. You may be an excellent gruppe player. Its helpful to have a look at student and part-time resume examples to find some ideas about what a fantastic one contains. A one-page resume is more than acceptable once youre just beginning in the area of work. Giving up is definitely not an alte rnative. Employers try to find staff that have a history of earning positive contributions. They want to know exactly what you did or learned so they know what you have to offer as an employee. You may showcase your work history, but in addition fill in more space by talking about your abilities and other knowledge youve got. A scarcity of job experience doesnt indicate too little work experience. In spite of the fact you will lack work experience, your other experience might just be what the recruiters want to know whether youre the one that theyre looking for. Though you might not have work experience, it is still possible to fill out this field with different varieties of experience. In case you have any part-time work, that will go a ways towards a good experience section. The main point is that you truly have much more experience than you might imagine you have. An efficacious way to break down the practice of locating a new job is rahmen attainable goals which you can accomplish daily or weekly. Now its time to produce your first resume. In truth, it might not have dates whatsoever, but you must be listed in order of relevance instead. Looking at examples can allow you to make a decision as to what type of content you should include, in addition to how to format your resume. Every section needs a slightly different strategy. For instance, if you bold the name of the organization in 1 section, you will need to do it everywhere. For an objective statement, concentrate on the particular job you need or an overall job type and after that highlight your qualifications. Your objective needs to be specific to the job that youre applying for and to the skills that you are able to offer. Concentrate on highlighting relevant coursework to the job youre applying for. Even in the event you would settle for just about any job, you should be specific once you write your objective. Firstly, it can demonstrate that you understand what youre doing and you understand how to navigate the market. Resume creators permit jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes right from the world wide web to get started applying straight away. Learn to effectively utilize keywords. It provides you an opportunity to describe yourself and your goals in your words. Its not quite as difficult as you may think. Make certain your pertinent accomplishments and skills really stick out. Include GPA if it sets you apart from different applicants or in the event the employer has specifically stated that you have to. You may also have a skills section in which you list soft skills along with any programs, languages, or certifications youve got. Its expected that students will understand how to use these. High School Resume templates are a valuable resource for such students. Now youre networking and building contacts in the business Add in additional info, such like you have experience working with special needs children. Because y ou will probably have minimum expert experience, dont hesitate to fill your education section with a plethora of information. Identify the goal of your resume. All the questions were answered effortlessly. Resume examples and templates are really helpful, especially when youre writing one of your initial resumes. Your resume will be broken into sections. Use the following ideas to make your resume really stick out.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Bringing the Power of Movies to the Conference Room (With and Without Video)
Bringing the Power of Movies to the Conference Room (With and Without Video) When it comes to attracting, training, motivating, and unifying employees, mora and more companies are using a powerful new tool. Its not a new technology. Rather, its a technique based on something we already know and love movies.Weve all experienced how powerful movies are. In seconds, they can make even the most distant planet feel real. Their heroes teach and inspire us. The moments they create move us, shape our opinions, and rally us together. Thats why companies are increasingly using videos and movie-style storytelling to harness that speed and power for internal communication and presentations. Here are just a few examples of how theyre doing itRecruitmentWhen youre courting new employees, a movie that positions your company as a strategic leader headed for bigger things can be especially attractive. It also doesnt hurt to show how fun your employees are. Even more persuasive is presenting your people as colleagues your prospects can look up to. A short movie can do that for you and bring out the true personality of your company to new prospects. Rallying New and Current Employees Around the MissionWhen starting a new job, most employees are handed a stack of decks that leave them completely lost. What if, instead, you show new hires a dynamic five-minute movie telling the companys story, mission, and strategy? New hires will be excited, retain more, and start contributing right away. If you include stories of real customers and get the companys leaders on camera, your film can also breathe life into the companys mission in ways no written statement can achieve.PresentationsEven without video, the way movies tell stories is actually a surprisingly good fit for corporate execs.Movie storytelling is built on the saatkorn principles they are currently seeking in presentations being simple, quick, visual, and powerful.Using the Screenwriter Approa ch toSimplifyScreenwriters are able to write so quickly because they start with three key scenes, then build the rest of the movie around them. You can do the same thing Decide which three things in your presentation are most important to your stakeholders and emphasize those. Youll find this method makes it easier to write your presentation, and because youre emphasizing just three keys, youll be able to choose what people remember. Think about what would happen if you tried to evenly emphasize 10 different pointsUsing the Directors Approach to Make It Quick, Real, and RelevantEvery slide, even a data point or chart, is about something. That means it can be described as a scene, with characters, a setting, and action. Describing your slides in these terms will make it much easier for your stakeholders to grasp the main ideas because you will give them something to relate to.One good way to find the scene in your slide or chart is with two words you use all the time For example. Loo k at your data point, and then say, For example This will immediately put characters, a setting, and action in your head. Then, if you make it visual, youll make your point even more quickly and put everyone on the same page because they will all see it the same way.When You Really Need to Hit It Out of the Park, Make It PowerfulFor the everyday presentation, being simple and relevant is often enough. However, when the stakes are especially high, you can take it up a level and truly move your stakeholders with movies that start with an emotional arc.The emotional archolds us in our seats, makes us love and remember movies, and floods our brains with two amazing hormones cortisol, which makes us focus, and oxytocin, which opens us up to new ideas and inspires us.You can spark these two hormones with an arc Ive seen work time and time again in corporations establish urgency, build desirefor your idea, and finish by evoking confidence. That arc will take your stakeholders through an e motional journey of we need to do this, we want to do this, and we can do this all of which will build support for your insights and ideas.Those are just a few of the movie-style strategies companies are using today. There are many, many more. None of these strategies are all that difficult to implement, and they can all make a huge difference in your ability to connect, communicate, and inspire.Ted Frank is the author of Get to the Heart. As a story strategist at Backstories Studio, he uses movie-style storytelling to help people make their presentations quicker, more visual, and more emotionally effective.
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